West Side UMC
Sunday, January 26, 2025
MeetPastorJeongMEET PASTOR JEONGWorship Service Sunday, 10:00 AMAdult Bible Class Wed., 7:00 PM In person and online on Facebook and YoutubeNew Bible Study: "Bait Of Satan" by John Bevere.Church Office: volunteers: time/day variesemail pastorjeong11@gmail.comcell phone 908-265-2766
If you need prayer for yourself or someone else, or wish to join the community of believers at West Side, or need information about marriage or baptism, please contact Pastor.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ;
Peace and grace be with you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I hope by now you know me as the pastor at the church at West Side. I have conviction that Jesus sent me
here to love you and to serve the community. I am thankful and give all the glory to my Lord Jesus who loves and died for us.
In Philippians 4:13 we read “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.
Jesus loves us so much that He lives in us, and among us through the Holy Spirit. Just imagine His power, love, beauty, and faithfulness.
Just call His name and confess your love and ask for help, pour out your heart.
I hope I can be a matchmaker between Jesus and each one of you. If you have not been active for sometime,
I pray that you re-activate, and re-ignite that first love for Jesus and His church.
I have a dream our church is revived with full of excited people because of Jesus worshiping in the Sanctuary you initially planned.
Life is short. Let us offer ourselves to Jesus our Lord and His kingdom, His church.
There is no greater happiness than to fall in love with Jesus.
Please do not hesitate to contact me through my email (pastorjeong11@gmail.com) and cell phone(908-265-2766).
You are in my prayer every day.
Remember God loves you and so do I. May God richly bless you and be with you.
Rev. Dr. JinWook Jeong, Pastor
Rev. Dr. JinWook Jeong, Pastor
*Ph. D. in Chemical Engineering: University of Pittsburgh
*Master of Divinity: Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
* Ordained in June 1995, United Methodist Church